If your credit card bills are piling up and creditors keep contacting you, understandably, you feel overwhelmed unclear how to get back on your feet. The possibility of losing your home to a foreclosure may also be a real threat.
Since 1944, Keith, Winters & Wenning L.L.C. has advocated for clients facing similar financial restraints. If you have a steady source of income, you may qualify for debt relief through Chapter 13 bankruptcy. This form of consumer bankruptcy allows individuals to repay a portion of their debts through a realistic court-approved debt repayment plan. After the repayment period, all of your remaining debts would be discharged. Contact our Bradley Beach law firm today to learn if filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy would help you obtain a clean start.
Debt Repayment Plan Attorneys Working for You
If you make too much money to qualify for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, consider gaining relief through Chapter 13 bankruptcy. This is an option for families or individuals with a steady income, yet overwhelmed with unmanageable levels of debt. If you have a significant amount of assets you would like to maintain, the New Jersey bankruptcy attorneys at our firm can help you determine if filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy would be the right solution for you.
Chapter 13 bankruptcy is designed to allow individuals and families to repay their creditors gradually based on a realistic payment plan. Our consumer bankruptcy attorneys are available to help you develop a payment plan that will need to be approved by a bankruptcy judge. After three to five years, any remaining debts will be discharged. Our law firm is available to help you navigate through the legal process to preserve your financial interests.
Help Clients Avoid Foreclosures in New Jersey
If you are behind on your mortgage payments, it’s not too late to save your home. Filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy can place an automatic stay on foreclosure proceedings. This would give us time to negotiate with your lender a realistic payment plan, while seeking a loan modification.
If you qualify for Chapter 7 bankruptcy relief, all of your unsecured debts will be discharged. This may help free up some of your assets to cover your mortgage. Our consumer bankruptcy attorneys are available to discuss solutions that may work for you, including mortgage foreclosure mediation.